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Get insights about users, usage and usability of your workplace and get actionable recommendations on how architecture, interior design and indoor climate can improve your business


One step closer to more engaged and productive employees.

Common Sense is based on an iterative process where the desired outcome is achieved through repeated rounds of implementation and analysis. 


In the traditional office, you typically make big changes every ten years – a revolution - where the whole office gets a makeover, matching your current organisation and brand. It costs a lot of money and there is a big risk that it will soon be dated as your organisation and business quickly evolves.


The Common Sense office is gradually evolved in parallel with your organisation and strategic development. Changes are tested and evaluated before implemented at a larger scale.

Time development diagram (on white background).png


Common Sense is developed in a circular process with four stages:


We create a baseline registering your existing workplace and asking your employees how they work, what they have learned during the lockdown and how they would like to work in the future.


Based on the learnings from the questionnaire Common Sense makes recommendations for improvements of your workplace and you choose whether to change based on the recommendation and your strategy for the workplace. The Common Sense tools are customized to your organisation.


Improvements are implemented and introduced to the employees.



The workplace is used. Common Sense measures the use and impact of the improvements using the Common Sense booking app and table sensors.

After USE we are back to CHECK and the process starts over. Now learnings from the questionnaire are backed by data from bookings, ratings and sensors and the workplace ready to be upgraded.


Workplace Experience

The questionnaire's automated analytics give an overview of the employee's workplace experience, needs, and preferences.


Some employees might prefer a more confined and private work environment - others a more open and collaborative one. 

Identify best/worst areas

Discover which areas your employees like and where they find challenges. Therefore, build more of what is beneficial and less of what is harmful. 


Get an overview of your floor plan

Find out what your floor plan is offering. Are the spaces where your employees thrive present in your building? Is there a need for more confined and private work environments? 

Suggested floor plan(s)

Get potential floor plans with suggested architectural interventions. Therefore, select your favorite architect to implement the changes.

Elevate your workplace experience

Get food for thought on how to elevate your workplace experience with sensory stimuli.



Build what is useful

Get architectural recommendations on top of your floor plan and accommodate employees' needs at best. 



  • Get back to work - safer and wiser

  • Empower employees to choose and safely book a space at the office

  • Test new seating strategies - assigned, unassigned or a hybrid system

  • Measure space utilization and validate changes

  • Discover the most booked spaces and the best-rated architectural qualities


With the Common Sense table sensors you gain
insights on how a space is being used in real-time
via live sensor data.

The Common Sense table sensors use a new technology with unparalleled accuracy.

  • Discover the most booked spaces and the best-rated architectural qualities

  • Motion sensor that tracks “in use” with 90% accuracy.

  • Communicates with users through light and
    touch whether the workplaces are vacant, in use, booked, or “do not disturb”.

  • Communicates with the Common Sense platform and booking app.

  • Adds to the depth of insights by measuring light, sound level and temperature at the individual work stations.




When you partner up with Common Sense your dedicated guide will guide you through the three steps of onboarding and integration process.


1. The platform and use of Common Sense will be customised to your workplace and organisation with help from our guide. 

2. Common Sense is kicked off by an introduction to your employees followed by a questionnaire that will give the first insights into what kind of workplace works for your organisation. Answering the questionnaire opens for download of the Common Sense App.

3. Support and guidance to your employees, when installing and using the app.

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